Tim Lefevbre
There’s so much to say about tim, and so little time to understand the impact he’s having on the scene today. First and foremost, tim lefevbre is one of my favorite musicians to date. his uncanny ability to balance experimentation and structure has him a stalwart with some of the most sought after musicians in the world. His discography ranges from empire of the sun to david bowie to tedeschi trucks band. oh my.
Evan Marien
Baller. Evan is simply a master of his craft. I’ve had the pleasure of seeing Evan’s career explode for this past decade. He has an inate ability to balance virtuoso playing with impeccable pocket. I’m so excited he’s on this roster. Make sure to connect with him through his super creative project with phenom drummer Dana Hawkins: https://evanmarien.bandcamp.com/album/collection-vol-2
Stu Brooks
Low end master. He moves so Much air with those dub notes. I met Stu wHen he was on tour with his band Dub Trio, opening for Helmet. Page told me to make sure not to miss their set. I was completely blown away and they have BeCome one of my favorite bands to date. Not only is stu an absolute legend at bass, but his Music Director chops and producing savvy makes him a total forCe in the studio or live.
Kenny Corso
Kenny and I kicked it back in the day when he was working at a local guitar shop in the bay area. years later we connected and he’s been one of my biggest influences to start up this device company. he’s one of the few ears that i trust for tonal referencing. not only does he have a penchant for tone, but he’s also a fantastic producer and music educator. i’m thrilled to have him on the roster.
pHoto by rhys gwyn
Vanessa Wheeler
This is my homie and one of the most brilliantly talented musicians I know. Vanessa has a completely unique style of playing. There’s a complexity to her voicings and rhythmic structure on the guitar. The percussive attack of her right hand technique sets her pieces of music like the dialogue of poem. Then you couple that with her vocal delivery and you get the captive sounds of VAVÁ.
Vanessa aNd I are also going to start a new wave band, she just doesn’t know it yet.
PhOto By Derrick K. Lee, esq. for www.blurredculture.com
DP Holmes
I love what this man brings sonically. I get lost trying to figure out how he is able to create landscape sounds with his pedalboard. At the core, his use of effects and pedals is quite simple. Its a philosophy I try yo mimic as should all guitarists trying to create atmosphere. Never let the effects play you. Dave has mastered this. He is a third of Dub Trio’s sound, and damn, those are fantastic sounds.